Listings on UK Belles are free to all independent escorts in the UK (if you’re an escort agency, see this page).

Let us know where you’d like to be listed by clicking the appropriate link below.

East Midlands Escorts
East of England Escorts
Ireland Escorts
London Escorts
North East Escorts
North West Escorts
Scotland Escorts
South East Escorts
South West Escorts
Wales Escorts
West Midlands Escorts
Yorkshire Escorts

What to do if you want to be listed in more than one section

This might apply to you if, for example, you’re a mature escort in Dudley whose services include fetish role-play and mild domination.

If you really do qualify to appear in more than one section of our site, we’ll make sure that you appear where it’s relevant. Please let me know which sections are applicable to you. Under services, we have the following categories:

Asian, BBW, Bisexual, Black, British, Busty, Domination, Indian, Massage, Mature, Pornstar, Role-play, Submissive If you have any suggestions for other escorting types, then please let me know. This directory is for you.

What to do if you want to be a featured escort

Featured advertising is available on UK Belles, this will list you on the front page of the site, and also at the top of the escort list. Please contact me to make an order. The prices are:

  • One Month – £20
  • Three Months – £40
  • Six Months – £60
  • One Year – £100

If this is of interest to you, please e-mail us  ( and we’ll be pleased to provide you with the appropriate information.

What to do if you need a website

Do you need a website created for you? Then consider Select Website Design.  We create unique websites to your specification at a very reasonable price   Click Escort Websites for more information.

These designers don’t pay to advertise on this page, nor do they pay for referrals. But we’d be grateful if you could mention UK Belles when you contact them.